Losing weight is a process that takes time, but exercise can help speed it up.
As well as understanding what foods will help you lose weight faster and sustainably, it’s also important to know what type of exercise will help you burn fat faster.
Today, we bring you the 4 fastest exercises to lose weight and keep it off.
However, if you want to see consistent results, you’ll also need to follow a healthy diet.
This doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice the food you love, or work out at the gym until you pass out.
This means the best way to succeed in your weight loss journey is to understand how your body works and feed it the right food and physical activity.
If you need support with this, our Miboko app is the perfect tool for you.
Miboko uses real data from your body to give you tailored suggestions, helping you hit your weight goals in a sustainable way.
If you want to learn more, join our mail list and keep your eyes peeled for more updates!
1. Jumping rope
This exercise helps you burn fat, improve your balance, and strengthen both muscles and bones.

On average, you can burn between 200 and 300 calories in a 15-minute workout.
Jumping rope is a very complete workout that works your lower and upper body, as well as your abs.
Your balance and coordination will also get better as you keep up with this exercise, as well as your overall fitness endurance.
Apart from burning fat quickly, this cardio exercise is great for toning and building up your resistance.
One of the best things about jumping rope is that the equipment (a jumping rope, or equivalent) is cheap and easy to find, and you can complete this workout pretty much anywhere (in your living room, garden, a park, or the gym, to name a few!)
15 minutes of this workout can help you burn an average of 200-300 calories, so if you were to stick to it 3 times a week, you’d be burning an average of 600-900 calories in total.
Not bad at all!
2. Weight training
Weight training is a great way of burning fat while toning your body and improving your overall fitness, health, and endurance.

The amount of calories you burn with weight training depends on your actual weight.
For instance, an 185 lbs male could burn 224 calories in 30 minutes of weight training, whereas a 152 lbs woman could burn 189 calories in the same amount of time.
Weight training works great for weight loss because it builds up muscle, which speeds up your metabolism and helps you burn more calories after your workout.
This type of exercise also helps you build strength and endurance, and tone your body at the same time.
Weight lifting doesn’t mean you’ll get bulkier, either.
It’ll only make you bulkier if that’s your aim, but it needs time, dedication, and a specific routine.
If you’re just trying to lose weight, then weight training will help you feel better, look leaner, and build both strength and muscle.
3. Walking
We all walk all the time. It’s free, you can choose the location, and it also helps speed up the weight loss process.

Brisk walking for 30 minutes a day can help you burn out around 150 calories, and it’s a great way of boosting your mood and reducing your stress.
You can walk on your own or with somebody else, and you can choose the distance and location.
It’s a great activity to do after work, and if you choose to walk around a park, you’ll also be able to connect with nature and feel calmer and more relaxed.
With walking, you control the pace too.
Brisk walking will burn more calories than walking at a slower pace, but the important thing here is to keep moving.
Even if you make a habit of going for a 20-minute walk every day, you’ll start to notice your overall health improving, your resistance building up, and your stress levels becoming more manageable.
4. Cycling
Whether you cycle to work or whether you go for an after-work cycle around the block, this low-impact exercise is a great way of speeding up your weight-loss process.

If you want to lose weight and you’re not a fan of walking, cycling is the best option to speed up your metabolism and shed some pounds.
When it comes to cycling, a ride at a moderate speed can help you burn 300 calories in an hour.
Cycling helps you strengthen your bones and muscles, and because it’s a low-impact activity, it’s a great activity to pick up if you have problems with your joints.
You can cycle alone or with someone else, and there’s a big variety of places you can cycle to and from (you may be even able to cycle to and from work).
If you don’t like cycling outdoors, you can also use a stationary bike either at home or the gym, and you can also join some spinning classes if you feel like it!
Are these the fastest weight loss exercises?
Exercise does speed up your weight loss process, but if you really want to hit your fitness goals, a balanced diet is as important as exercising.
These exercises are a combination of cardio and strength training, and if you mix them and add them to your routine, you’ll be well on your way to losing weight in a consistent, sustainable way.
If you struggle with motivation or you’re not quite sure of what it is you should be eating, we have the best tool for you.
Miboko is an app that monitors the way your body reacts to the different food you eat.
This means that you’ll get personalized suggestions to help you hit and maintain your fitness goals in a healthy way.
Miboko’s program has been put together by world-leading experts, and it’s designed to help you become the best version of yourself.
Join our mailing list to find out more about Miboko!