Getting Started

Take Back Control

What is Miboko?

Miboko is about living healthy. It’s about eating healthy. It’s about knowing how to lose weight and stay fit and healthy in small manageable steps. It’s about making lifelong changes and developing habits that could help prevent chronic disease, and let you be the figure you want to be, the weight you want to be, and feel better and healthier, without a huge upheaval in your day to day life.

We measure your success using our sensors, the first of which is a glucose sensor that gives you an indication of how your body is responding to sugar intake, in the form of a metabolic health score. Everything you do, from meditation, exercise, eating, sleeping and snacking can affect your metabolic score; The sensor is therefore the engine at the heart of Miboko, you get an insight into what’s really going on inside your body.

How long is the Miboko Program?
Miboko is a lifelong program, designed to be your companion for life. You should start seeing the impact of the program within months and thereafter it’s all about maintaining the status quo.

What is the technology behind Miboko?

Miboko measures your progress using our unique needle-free body worn sensors. The first of our sensors is a glucose sensor that gives you an indication of how your body is responding to sugar intake, in the form of a metabolic health score.

Everything you do, from meditation, exercise, eating, sleeping and snacking can affect your metabolic score; The sensor is therefore the engine at the heart of Miboko, you get an insight into what’s really going on inside your body.

Getting Started

Where can I download Miboko?
To download Miboko, just head to the Apple App Store (iOS), or the Google Play Store (Android). Just follow the simple steps to install Miboko and get started.

Miboko is only available on iOS and Android devices running 10.3.3 (on iOS) and 6 (on Android) or later.

How do I start using Miboko?
Once you have installed Miboko, we will ask you a series of onboarding questions to find out more about you, your lifestyle and habits. Miboko calculates achievable personalized goals so you can get started on our Metabolic journey.

Starting with logging your Meals & Snacks, Water intake, Calorie drinks and Activities straight away.

We suggest reading through the food logging FAQ’s as they will be helpful when starting out.

Also check out what’s included in my monthly report. The report allows you to compare previous monthly report scores, so you can see your personal progress to a healthier and better lifestyle.

How do I apply my Wearable Sensor & connect to the app?
When you purchase your wearable sensors, you will receive a easy to follow quick start guide. This Includes instructions on how you connect your transmitter and wearable sensor to the Miboko app.

How can I purchase the Wearable Sensors

We have launched Miboko as a pilot program, and this is available in most countries. To apply, you just need to sign up on the Miboko website with your email address. Depending on your location, you may be added to one of our pilot programs when it becomes available in your country.

Is my device compatible with Miboko
Miboko is only available on iOS and Android devices running 10.3.3 (on iOS) and 6 (on Android) or later. To install Miboko, just head to the Apple App Store (iOS), or the Google Play Store (Android).

Food Logging

How often should I log food, water and calorie drinks I have consumed?

To achieve the best results from the Miboko program, we recommend getting into the habit of logging your Meals & Snacks, Water, and Calorie Drinks every day. We have designed the way you log these inputs, so that you spend just a few minutes a day logging your activities.

You can monitor your weekly and monthly progress against your personalised goals in the Progress screen. Packed with actional achievable focus points.

How do I log food I have consumed?

From the main dashboard, select ‘Track’ and choose your Meals or Snacks category. Use the slider to indicate how heavy your meal is, then add the time and what you ate. Miboko will use this information to compile insights on your progress, showing what you’re doing right and how you can improve based on your personalised goals.

What is the difference between meal sizes?

Unlike other health program, with Miboko you don’t need to worry about counting exact calories. By managing the size of your portions you can still enjoy most of your favourite things.

We ask you to characterise your meals into one of the following categories:

Very Light – The are meals that are both very low in calorie and portion size. You may not feel satisfied but will sustain you until your next meal.

Light – These are meals that make you feel satisfied but not full. They are likely to have low calories and a small portion.

Medium– These are meals that are on average around 500 calories per day.

Heavy– meals that are likely to contain high calories that make you feel over full and that if you had stopped eating a bit earlier it would have been better. If you’re not sure you can make an estimate. You’ll know from your progress reports if you’re not using the correct category.

What is a calorie drink?
Any drink other than plain water.

Note: tea and coffee would not be deemed a calorie drink if you do not add sugar.

Can I edit or deleted Food, Water or Calorie Drinks I have logged?
Once you have logged your Meals & Snacks, Water or Calorie Drinks you can not edit or delete them.

Can I edit the time of Food, Water or Calorie Drinks I have logged?
Once you have entered your Meals & Snacks, Water or Calorie Drinks you can not change the time logged.

Do I need to input what I have eaten and at what time of the day?

Tracking what you eat and when you eat is incredibly helpful for gaining personalised insights. The more Miboko understands your daily habits, the better our recommendations for improving your metabolism.

Exercise Logging

How do I log my Activities towards achieving my goals?
We ask you to enter the duration you were active, the type of activity and ‘approximate’ intensity. Adding what time you were active also helps us to generate a more meaningful monthly report.

What is the difference between low, moderate or vigorous activity?
We don’t expect you to run a marathon – unless you want to of course! So we’ve created categories that cover all types of exercise.

Taking a casual walk, a beginners yoga class, light bike ride or even brushing the back yard.

Your breathing quickens, but you’re not out of breath. You develop a light sweat after about 10 minutes of activity. You can carry on a conversation, but you can’t sing.

Your breathing is deep and rapid. You develop a sweat after only a few minutes of activity. You can’t say more than a few words without pausing for breath.

Glucose Monitoring

What is the benefit of Glucose Monitoring?
Glucose is one of the bodies preferred sources of fuel. However the body controls how much glucose enters and remains in the blood. If your glucose levels spike and stay high for long periods then your general state of metabolic health is deemed poor. Eating in moderation, avoiding snacking on unhealthy foods, and calorie drinks, and moderate sustained physical activity can all help improve your body’s ability to regulate your blood glucose, and therefore improve the state of your metabolic health.

Do I have to insert a needle to wear the Sensor?
Nope. Miboko is the worlds first needle-free body worn sensor. You just prepare your skin, peel back the protective cover and apply. Let Miboko silently capture your glucose results, so you can get on with your day.

How does a MetaScore work?

Think of a MetaScore as your personalised metabolic health score.

Your aim is to stay within the range of either :


Here’s how it works:

By sticking to your daily goals, becoming more informed through meal analysis prompts, and following recommendations from your in-app Sensor Wear reflection videos, you’ll gain insights into your glucose responses. This understanding will enable you to make simple but powerful tweaks to your habits.

What is a % glucose variability score?
% Glucose Variability Score demonstrates the spikes and dips on how stable your glucose level is maintained during a eating session. To determine if the food contribution causes a low or high glucose variability.

What is an average glucose reading?

Average glucose readings are essentially your body’s own indicator of how the foods you eat, drink and exercise affect your sugar levels during a 3 hour eating session. You will also receive an overall average glucose reading at the end of a complete sensor wear session.


I need some help with using the app, where can I find technical support
During your Miboko journey drop us an email and we will get right back to you. Contact support@miboko.com.

I cant seem to connect to my Transmitter?
For the first time connection, we recommend you read the Quick Start Guide a few times before you start a sensor wear session. As you will be prompted to allow the App to pair to your mobile device Bluetooth settings. You must grant this access to complete the connection stage.

Check also:

I cant seem to connect to a Sensor?
There are a few things that could be preventing you to connect to a sensor.

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